104 research outputs found

    Improving bounds on large instances of graph coloring

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    This thesis explores new methods, using both vertex cover and exact graph coloring algorithms in addition to our implementation of the state of the art, to develop a hybrid algorithm that on most instances is able to tighten the bounds or determine the optimal number of colors outright

    A bio-economic evaluation of the potential for establishing a commercial fishery on two newly developed stocks: the Ionian Red Shrimp Fishery

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    It has recently been shown that two deep-water red shrimp species (Aristeus antennatus and Aristaeomorpha foliacea) have the potential to support a viable fishery in the Greek Ionian Sea (eastern Mediterranean). In this article, we investigate (i) the evolution that this newly developed trawl shrimp fishery may undergo when subjected to different management measures, and (ii) the most suitable extraction rates considering the uncertainties about the resource. We further analyse the effects that potential future fuel price increases and changes in the market may have on the fishery. Forecasting the biological and economic consequences of management actions, as well as the effects of market changes on inputs and outputs before they are applied, may help managers select the most suitable management options. We approach the problem by means of bio-economic simulation analysis. The results of this study show that fishing effort can increase by 50-100%, increasing the fleet's profitability without jeopardizing the sustainability of the fishery

    Disseny i implementació d'un optimitzador de rutes marítimes

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    [CATALÀ] L'objectiu d'aquest projecte es desenvolupar un programa capaç de calcular les diferents rutes possibles entre dos punts navegables qualsevol optimitzant més d'un paràmetre (com per exemple temps, confort, combustible, etc), fet que eleva el problema a resoldre a una dificultat de NP-Difícil.[ANGLÈS] The objective of this project is to develop a program able to calculate the different possible routes between two naval points optimizing more than one parameter (for example time, confort, gas, etc), fact that increases the problem difficulty to NP-Hard

    Estació robòtica amb visió per computador

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    En aquest projecte es dissenyarà i és muntarà una estació robotitzada que constara d'un robot paral·lel, cintes transportadores una camera de visio per computador i els PLC's necesaris per el control d'aquesta estació.Aquest treball de final de grau, té com a objectiu profunditzar amb el muntatge de material elèctric i mecànic de caire industrial, familiaritzar-se amb diversos programaris industrials per poder programar PLC, pantalles industrials i càmeres de visió artificial. Tot aquest aprenentatge es farà mitjançant una estació robotitzada que incorpora un robot delta i una càmera de visió per computador. El funcionament principal és recollir les peces de la cinta transportadora mitjançant una ventosa i seleccionar el lloc on deixar-les segons el tipus de peça que detecta la càmera. L’ús industrial d’aquest muntatge seria el de descartar les peces defectuoses com més aviat millor, reduint la quantitat de material a utilitzar per realitzar una peça correcta, reduir el temps de muntatge dels objectes i abaratir els costos en la fabricació dels mateixos

    Passive acoustic monitoring for estimating human-wildlife conflicts: The case of bee-eaters and apiculture

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    In human-wildlife conflicts, it is crucial to develop accurate protocols for the reliable verification of the causative species and its relationship with potential damage claims. One of such conflicts is that occurring between apiarists and bee-eaters. In this work, we aim to assess the utility of passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) as an efficient methodology to measure European bee-eater (Merops apiaster) predation pressure at beehives and its impact on honeybees foraging activity. Using Autonomous Recording Units (ARUs) in apiaries, coupled to automated recognition methods for bee-eater calls identification, we found a positive relationship between Vocal Activity Rate (VAR) index and number of bee-eaters hunting attempts on honeybees. We also found that VAR varied over time, showing a lower predation pressure during midday hours and higher during the post-breeding migratory period. Honeybees flying activity was negatively associated with VAR and this relationship was conditioned by the hour of the day. Our study offers a new application of PAM and acoustic derived indices for the evaluation of potential damages caused by wildlife. We focused on the interaction between honeybees and the European bee-eater, but we expect PAM might be useful also to remotely monitor impacts to human activities produced by other vocally active species.European bee-eater monitoring was funded by the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat de Catalunya. ARUs conception and design were partially supported by Programa de Investigación y Conservación del Zoo de Barcelona within the project ‘Nuevas tecnologías para viejos trabajos. Uso de grabadores automáticos para la detección y censo de especies raras y amenazadas. El caso de la alondra ricotí en Lleida y otras poblaciones pequeñas’. CPG acknowledges the support from Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional through the Beatriz Galindo Fellowship (Beatriz Galindo – Convocatoria 2020)

    The value of procalcitonin as a prognostic indicator in polytraumatized patients in a pediatric critical care unit

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    Fonament. El politraumatisme (PT) greu té una morbimortalitat elevada. La procalcitonina PCT) podria ser útil com a indicador pronòstic. Objectiu. Definir els nivells de PCT en el pacient poli-traumàtic (PPT) i la seva implicació pronòstica. Mètode. Estudi prospectiu observacional. Criteris d'inclusió: pacients menors de 16 anys, ingressats per PT en una unitat de cures intensives pediàtrica (UCIP), amb determinació de PCT a l'ingrés i al cap de 24-48 hores. Període d'estudi: novembre del 2009 - novembre del 2011. Tractament esta- dístic mitjançant el paquet SPSS® versió 17.0. Resultats. De seixanta-set pacients amb politraumatisme, vint complien criteris. La mitjana d'edat era de 13,6 ± 4,2 anys i 19 (95%) eren homes. La puntuació del Pediatric Risk of Mortality Score Index (PRISM-III) era de 9,8 ± 7,38 i l'Índex de Trauma Pediàtric (ITP) de 5,5 ± 2,08. Els nivells mitjans de PCT a les 24 hores eren de 7,67 ± 18,05 ng/ml. Es van diagnosticar vuit casos d'infecció bacteriana. Cap pacient va ser èxitus. La PCT es va correlacionar amb la puntuació PRISM-III (R 0,6; p = 0,048). Els nivells mitjans de PCT eren significativament superiors en el grup que va necessitar ventilació mecànica respecte als que no en van necessitar(p = 0,046) i en el grup de pacients infectats (p = 0,039). Es va objectivar una tendència a la correlació entre els valors mitjans de PCT a l'ingrés i els dies d'ingrés (R 0,393, p = 0,1). Conclusions. Els valors de la PCT van ser elevats, per la freqüència de la complicació bacteriana en els PPT. La PCT podria ser útil com a factor pronòstic

    RFID Tracking system to study the behaviour of species

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    Comparative metabolitefingerprinting of legumes using LC-MS-baseduntargeted metabolomics

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    Legumes are a well-known source of phytochemicals and are commonly believed to have similar composition between different genera. To date, there are no studies evaluating changes in legumes to discover those compounds that help to discriminate for food quality and authenticity. The aim of this work was to characterize and make a comparative analysis of the composition of bioactive compounds between Cicer arietinum L. (chickpea), Lens culinaris L. (lentil) and Phaseolus vulgaris L. (white bean) through an LC-MS-Orbitrap metabolomic approach to establish which compounds discriminate between the three studied legumes. Untargeted metabolomic analysis was carried out by LC-MS-Orbitrap from extracts of freeze-dried legumes prepared from pre-cooked canned legumes. The metabolomic data treatment and statistical analysis were realized by using MAIT R's package, and final identification and characterization was done using MSn experiments. Fold-change evaluation was made through Metaboanalyst 4.0. Results showed 43 identified and characterized compounds displaying differences between the three legumes. Polyphenols, mainly flavonol and flavanol compounds, were the main group with 30 identified compounds, followed by α-galactosides (n = 5). Fatty acyls, prenol lipids, a nucleoside and organic compounds were also characterized. The fold-change analysis showed flavanols as the wider class of discriminative compounds of lentils compared to the other legumes; prenol lipids and eucomic acids were the most discriminative compounds of beans versus other legumes and several phenolic acids (such as primeveroside salycilic), kaempferol derivatives, coumesterol and α-galactosides were the most discriminative compounds of chickpeas. This study highlights the applicability of metabolomics for evaluating which are the characteristic compounds of the different legumes. In addition, it describes the future application of metabolomics as tool for the quality control of foods and authentication of different kinds of legumes